My searches for inner truth or maybe just one of the sisters.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
to catch a rainbow
Friday, July 27, 2007
Py & Ry
Monday, July 23, 2007
some numbers crunched
Number of sisters: 3
Number of friends: 2
Total days: 20
Total miles: 2189
Average mpg: 20 mi/gal
Average price for gasoline: $3.21/gal
Gasoline cost: $350
Amount for rental SUV (incl extra driver): $900
Amount for food & drink: $2200
Amount for lodging: $2000
Average cost per sister: $1900
Number of State Parks visited: 2
Number of National Forests visited: 4
Number of National Parks/Monuments visited: 12
Number of trails hiked/climbed/waded/scrambled: don't want to think about it, still traumatized
Cost for 3 wonderful sisters & assorted friends: Priceless.
Number of friends: 2
Total days: 20
Total miles: 2189
Average mpg: 20 mi/gal
Average price for gasoline: $3.21/gal
Gasoline cost: $350
Amount for rental SUV (incl extra driver): $900
Amount for food & drink: $2200
Amount for lodging: $2000
Average cost per sister: $1900
Number of State Parks visited: 2
Number of National Forests visited: 4
Number of National Parks/Monuments visited: 12
Number of trails hiked/climbed/waded/scrambled: don't want to think about it, still traumatized
Cost for 3 wonderful sisters & assorted friends: Priceless.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
got sand?
Ky takes a dive in the coral pink sand dunes as she answers the challenge of "got sand?"
self-portrait - still not right
Check it off!
- 4 wheel drive off road adventure
- Walk on “slick” rock
- Scramble over sandstone formations
- “Boulder” & explore slot canyon
- View petroglyphs
- Climb sand dunes
- Navigate creek narrows (4.5 hours)
- Survive forest fire(s) -- at least 3 of them from dry lightning
- Eat buffalo and wild boar
- Attend star parties in dark skies
- See iridium flair from satellite
- Get lost on poorly-marked, dry desert butte/canyons with only 1 litre of water between 3 people
- Get sunburned after only 1 hour in the sun (at the end of the trip)
- Believe locals when they say alternate route will be “easy”
- Locate California Condor (#02) on Navajo Bridge (89A)
Friday, July 20, 2007
where we've been...really
in chronological order:
prescott national forest
montezuma's castle (sinagua indian cliff dwelling)
sunset crater
wupatkai national monument
coconino national forest
Navajo reservation
glen canyon (dam & bridge)
dixie national forest
zion national park
lake panguitch
cedar breaks
bryce canyon
red rock canyon
grand staircase - escalante
coral pink sand dunes (utah state park)
kodachrome state park (utah)
pipe springs national monument
kaibab Paiute nation
grand canyon - north rim (anasazi ruins)
kaibab national forest
vermillion cliffs
walnut canyon (cliff dwellings)
prescott national forest
montezuma's castle (sinagua indian cliff dwelling)
sunset crater
wupatkai national monument
coconino national forest
Navajo reservation
glen canyon (dam & bridge)
dixie national forest
zion national park
lake panguitch
cedar breaks
bryce canyon
red rock canyon
grand staircase - escalante
coral pink sand dunes (utah state park)
kodachrome state park (utah)
pipe springs national monument
kaibab Paiute nation
grand canyon - north rim (anasazi ruins)
kaibab national forest
vermillion cliffs
walnut canyon (cliff dwellings)
We have made it out of the North Rim and into Flagstaff. We're off for a bite to eat and some company other than ourselves. There's cell phone service and internet. Wonder of of wonders!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Don't believe the maps!
We've learned that maps aren't all that accurate when it comes to paved roads, unimproved roads, and scenic byways. The locals know some of the roads and what is considered "easy" by them is not so by city gals. We've only used the 4-wheel drive a few times (like 2) on dirt roads to scenic overlooks. Today, the 3 Sisters will be attempting to navigate through a supposed paved road according to the locals which appears unimproved on our "latest" maps. It is supposed to be more scenic and less time to get to St. Georges, Utah where we pick up Ky's friend, My, who will joining us for the last week of the adventure.
Ry, Py's friend, has departed back to PHX. It was a blast in Bryce Canyon - although our posteriors are a bit sore: 3 hour horseback ride, ATV rides and mega-hiking.
Cell phones still have spotty reception as well as internet.
We ate wild boar and buffalo ribs last night. Good flavor.
With maps in hand, we depart for the wilds of Utah. We are planning on participating in the geocaching (google that to find out more). The Utah State Parks are participating and we hope to use a GPS system for free to find a geocache. The 3 Sisters have been orienteering so we shouldn't get lost in the canyons - maybe. Stay tuned for more information and watch your national news!
Ry, Py's friend, has departed back to PHX. It was a blast in Bryce Canyon - although our posteriors are a bit sore: 3 hour horseback ride, ATV rides and mega-hiking.
Cell phones still have spotty reception as well as internet.
We ate wild boar and buffalo ribs last night. Good flavor.
With maps in hand, we depart for the wilds of Utah. We are planning on participating in the geocaching (google that to find out more). The Utah State Parks are participating and we hope to use a GPS system for free to find a geocache. The 3 Sisters have been orienteering so we shouldn't get lost in the canyons - maybe. Stay tuned for more information and watch your national news!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Kiva Koffeehouse
The FIND of the trip:
Delicious meals with herbs snipped from the hillside.
Delicious meals with herbs snipped from the hillside.
escalante self portrait
Saturday, July 14, 2007
let's burn some holes in the sky!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
as if you hadn't noticed...
We have no (zip, zero, nada, nothing) cell phone reception in Utah. We all have AT&T (cingular). Internet is sketchy as well - we are piggybacking on the personal wireless of the resort people; not public access.
So, if you've left us messages - we can not access them. Disconnected. I guess that's what vacation is supposed to be.
As the 3 Sisters leave the Dixie National Forest and Bear Paw Resort, we leave behind our friends from Romania and Slovakia.
We learned that layering sunscreen and bug repellent ain't that great for skin.
Py's friend, Ry, joined us last night. We had a campfire (no fire restrictions on the lake) and sat up into the night.
wildflowers for Rick
Monday, July 9, 2007
elevation: 10,000ft
the first day on the road
740a arise from restful sleep
750a Vy begin to pack SUV
800a "is this a full size suv?"
809a suv too full
815a Vy unpacks suv and repacks -- SUV configuaration part 2
820a SUV still too full since Vy wants to be able to see out back window, vy repacks her suitcase and removes all dark colored clothing. Amazing, it fits into carry-on suitcase.
828a "who forgot to make coffee?"
832a Vy smug with successful packing of suv
834a Ky inspects and returns... "where will My sit?"
838a Ky and Py make reservations for quality inn
841a camping trip scrapped...Py is sad. remove camping gear from suv... still no room for shoes
845a Vy unpacks and repacks suv -- SUV configuration part 3
847a shower, dress, pack beer in cooler... "where will food go?"
906a pull out of garage... trip begins! yay!
907a make a u-ee--pull into garage--get phone, watch, and water
908a pull out of garage - take 2 yay!
912a emergency stop at Starbucks... Mental note to selves: buy shares in Starbucks
925a Ky and Py take Dramamine.... SUV handles looser than sporty Sebring convertible
1055a decide to stop at Montezuma's Castle National Monument... Ky refers to map for directions... wrong map... looks for AZ map... can only find four (4), count ;'em FOUR! UT maps...interesting....
1100a stop at Montezuma's Castle... Py purchases "Barbie Doll", i.e., National Parks Passort, and gets first stamp of trip
1200p emergency stop to throw up since typing and Vy driving are non-compatible. wish learning curve was better.
1206p Py recalls I-17 does not go to UT...ends in Flagstaff... no AZ map... Py navigates to proper road... we think...
1208p strange material hits windshield... shocked passengers...monsoon season begins...Vy tries to find wiper control in rental suv
1209p monsoon ends
1210p roads signs direct us to US89 which heads to Grand Canyon... who needs AZ map?
1218p stop for gas... "which side is gas cap on?" Must pull out into traffic... yikes... Vy continues to throw Py and Ky around like rag dolls while improving suv manuverability skills. Py has no "o shit" handle.
102p stop at Sunset Crater National Monument for passport stamp and lunch. Pleasant under monsoon skies...thunder rumbles... or is that the volcano erupting?...
103p Vy smug again... able to unload lunch without unpacking entire suv!
104p sandwiches lacking without the tangy zip of Miracle Whip. Note to self: always pack knife with picnic lunch...bite of sandwich/bite of cheese hunk...bite of tomato?
111p Py spots a blue cardinal. should have checked out the bird identification book from library. inform Py that bird is a blue jay
125p Hike Lava Fields trail...monsoon continues to rumble
132p ranger informs us that lava fields attract lightening...more metal in soil. power hike.
144p stop at National Park sign to stage photograph
149p still there... note to self to take photogrsphy course
323p leave Wupatki National Monument and road trip continues
1022p Arrive in Springdale. Vy navigates scary hairpin turns excellently even though Py and Ky are squeemish for entire 45 minute ride.
1028p Open hotel room... only one bed. No other double queen rooms available. Py camps out after all...on floor.
1045p UT on mountain time... is really 1145p
750a Vy begin to pack SUV
800a "is this a full size suv?"
809a suv too full
815a Vy unpacks suv and repacks -- SUV configuaration part 2
820a SUV still too full since Vy wants to be able to see out back window, vy repacks her suitcase and removes all dark colored clothing. Amazing, it fits into carry-on suitcase.
828a "who forgot to make coffee?"
832a Vy smug with successful packing of suv
834a Ky inspects and returns... "where will My sit?"
838a Ky and Py make reservations for quality inn
841a camping trip scrapped...Py is sad. remove camping gear from suv... still no room for shoes
845a Vy unpacks and repacks suv -- SUV configuration part 3
847a shower, dress, pack beer in cooler... "where will food go?"
906a pull out of garage... trip begins! yay!
907a make a u-ee--pull into garage--get phone, watch, and water
908a pull out of garage - take 2 yay!
912a emergency stop at Starbucks... Mental note to selves: buy shares in Starbucks
925a Ky and Py take Dramamine.... SUV handles looser than sporty Sebring convertible
1055a decide to stop at Montezuma's Castle National Monument... Ky refers to map for directions... wrong map... looks for AZ map... can only find four (4), count ;'em FOUR! UT maps...interesting....
1100a stop at Montezuma's Castle... Py purchases "Barbie Doll", i.e., National Parks Passort, and gets first stamp of trip
1200p emergency stop to throw up since typing and Vy driving are non-compatible. wish learning curve was better.
1206p Py recalls I-17 does not go to UT...ends in Flagstaff... no AZ map... Py navigates to proper road... we think...
1208p strange material hits windshield... shocked passengers...monsoon season begins...Vy tries to find wiper control in rental suv
1209p monsoon ends
1210p roads signs direct us to US89 which heads to Grand Canyon... who needs AZ map?
1218p stop for gas... "which side is gas cap on?" Must pull out into traffic... yikes... Vy continues to throw Py and Ky around like rag dolls while improving suv manuverability skills. Py has no "o shit" handle.
102p stop at Sunset Crater National Monument for passport stamp and lunch. Pleasant under monsoon skies...thunder rumbles... or is that the volcano erupting?...
103p Vy smug again... able to unload lunch without unpacking entire suv!
104p sandwiches lacking without the tangy zip of Miracle Whip. Note to self: always pack knife with picnic lunch...bite of sandwich/bite of cheese hunk...bite of tomato?
111p Py spots a blue cardinal. should have checked out the bird identification book from library. inform Py that bird is a blue jay
125p Hike Lava Fields trail...monsoon continues to rumble
132p ranger informs us that lava fields attract lightening...more metal in soil. power hike.
144p stop at National Park sign to stage photograph
149p still there... note to self to take photogrsphy course
323p leave Wupatki National Monument and road trip continues
1022p Arrive in Springdale. Vy navigates scary hairpin turns excellently even though Py and Ky are squeemish for entire 45 minute ride.
1028p Open hotel room... only one bed. No other double queen rooms available. Py camps out after all...on floor.
1045p UT on mountain time... is really 1145p
Friday, July 6, 2007
and so it begins....
Yesterday was long with city driving but okay. The final preparations are complete. We picked up the SUV last night, but it had a chip in the windshield - we turned around to file the paperwork at the airport and called. Cell phones are useful. They called back and told us that it was in the computer so we could continue on. Whew! This morning all we have to do is load the SUV and get on the road.
Hey, Melissa! If you're reading this - Vy finally took your advice and got her hair cut short(er) in the style you recommended.
We are camping for the next 2-3 days so the Sisters may not be able to blog regularly unless we go into town, and they have an internet cafe.
Hey, Melissa! If you're reading this - Vy finally took your advice and got her hair cut short(er) in the style you recommended.
We are camping for the next 2-3 days so the Sisters may not be able to blog regularly unless we go into town, and they have an internet cafe.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
At least it's a dry heat....
I don't think the sisters were quite prepared for the heat wave PHX is experiencing right now. Sure, the dry heat thing is a good thing, but when it's over 110, it's just damn hot. Good thing I bought a ghetto pool to relax in while we enjoyed some adult bev-O-rages. Evaporative cooling is a wonderful thing; beer cooling is even better.
One more day to departure!! We're repacking (who brings a suitcase just for their shoes???) so that Py (is she a dessert or an irrational number??) can actually fit her stuff into the SUV. We've decided that we're not "cooking-camping" anything we can't put in the campfire, so we've loaded up on breads, deli meats, and cheeses, as well as lots of veggies and "fluids". That'll save some room -- woo hoo, more shoes!
Today we're getting prettied up in time to spend 3 days camping with no showers! Coloring, painting, waxing... we're doing it all. Can't wait!
One more day to departure!! We're repacking (who brings a suitcase just for their shoes???) so that Py (is she a dessert or an irrational number??) can actually fit her stuff into the SUV. We've decided that we're not "cooking-camping" anything we can't put in the campfire, so we've loaded up on breads, deli meats, and cheeses, as well as lots of veggies and "fluids". That'll save some room -- woo hoo, more shoes!
Today we're getting prettied up in time to spend 3 days camping with no showers! Coloring, painting, waxing... we're doing it all. Can't wait!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
cities & knights
We played our first game at 10:30 this morning. Vy won in a last minute reversal when the score stood 12 vs 12 vs 10. This is a view of the winning board.
Sister Py shared last minute reservation details with Vy and Ky inlcuding those who will be joining us: Ry, My, and Ny.
We also went shopping for last minute purchases like a cooler, some clothes to keep the sun off, and veggie foods. Oh, and tasty beverages. The on-the-road adventure begins Friday. Today and tomorrow for relaxing.
We're starting another game of cities & knights (or settlers of katan?).
Hello, Dallas, we’re in your heart.
9:00 pm, Tuesday July 3
Vy & Ky are sitting in DFW waiting for a flight crew for the plane. Now 9:00 pm anticipated departure. Now 10:00 pm departure. No flight crew. 10:30 pm. No cabin crew. 11:00 pm. Ah, crewed now need ot get on plane in in the air before our pilot becomes "illegal." In the air at 11:30 pm. Arrived 2 hours later in PHX. Py picks us and the luggage up. Sleep. Glorious sleep.
Goodbye, Wichita Falls, we hardly knew ya.
8:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 3
Wonderful start to holiday. Diverted from DFW to Wichita Falls. The pilot did a good job of going around the thunderstorms as we landed in WF. About 90 minute delay on the ground with 6 other planes. We guzzled some gas. The reason we were diverted is that we had less than an hour of fuel and the holding pattern was 90 minutes. Oops! We were at the air base so we got to watch the fighter jets take off – some vertical and 6G turns. There’s something exciting (really!) about being sealed up in a tin tube under the Texas sun. Over all, the people on the plane were nice.
Wonderful start to holiday. Diverted from DFW to Wichita Falls. The pilot did a good job of going around the thunderstorms as we landed in WF. About 90 minute delay on the ground with 6 other planes. We guzzled some gas. The reason we were diverted is that we had less than an hour of fuel and the holding pattern was 90 minutes. Oops! We were at the air base so we got to watch the fighter jets take off – some vertical and 6G turns. There’s something exciting (really!) about being sealed up in a tin tube under the Texas sun. Over all, the people on the plane were nice.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Vy is hounding me to add an entry to our vacation blog. I'm Ky and I am in charge of planning our day trips. I visited UT last summer for a couple of days and began the talk of taking a longer trip out there in the summer. Vy, Py and I vowed to take such a trip in the summer of '07 but until Py and I mapped out our route and made a reservation back in March, it all seemed too whimisical. But alas, here we are and later this afternoon, Vy and I will be boarding a plane to be with Py over Independence Day (USA) and then we will be off.
While on a mini trip with a friend in PA last week, I purchased the National Parks Pass for the trip which will grant us access to all the national parks and monuments that we visit. It's pretty cool and you can get your passport stamped at each National Park you visit. You can also buy pretty stamps to add to your passport book but as my mom would say, I just purchased a barbie doll. :-)
I have been here in IL for one week now and things have been great. I visit the gym on most days and even attended a workout class. Although it seemed so easy it must have worked every muscle in this bod because I'm feeling a little stiff and sore. Perhaps I should have begun earlier, the hikes I have planned are going to kick our @$$#$.
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