Thursday, July 5, 2007

At least it's a dry heat....

I don't think the sisters were quite prepared for the heat wave PHX is experiencing right now. Sure, the dry heat thing is a good thing, but when it's over 110, it's just damn hot. Good thing I bought a ghetto pool to relax in while we enjoyed some adult bev-O-rages. Evaporative cooling is a wonderful thing; beer cooling is even better.

One more day to departure!! We're repacking (who brings a suitcase just for their shoes???) so that Py (is she a dessert or an irrational number??) can actually fit her stuff into the SUV. We've decided that we're not "cooking-camping" anything we can't put in the campfire, so we've loaded up on breads, deli meats, and cheeses, as well as lots of veggies and "fluids". That'll save some room -- woo hoo, more shoes!

Today we're getting prettied up in time to spend 3 days camping with no showers! Coloring, painting, waxing... we're doing it all. Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

too much info on the waxing, coloring, etc.......

Peg said...

Stay hydrated bev! Can't wait to hear of all your adventures. I've traveled with the 3 sisters...good luck to all who dare to join them.